It's the one night we are all here for dinner - even Zach. It's nice to sit at the table, eat dinner and talk as a family. It's a big part of what I call "bonus" time.
When Zach graduated from High School and went to A&M I thought we'd never be together again as a family. While I would much prefer that he were still at A&M, it's nice to have him here too. I think of this time in our lives as "bonus" time with Zach. He is becoming a wonderful young man and I love having him around these days.
Now, it's different and I'm so glad for this time. It's erased all of the horrible memories I had of the time before he went off to A&M. He and Clark get along so well now - it gives me joy to watch them interact. It gives me hope that they will always be close and be friends. I so want that for them - I don't want the patterns their grandfathers developed with their brothers - I want my boys to always love each other and always be a part of each others lives.
So - while sometimes I worry that Zach is still here and not in school or on his own, I also cherish the time he is here and thank God that he wants to be. He could be like so many other kids before him and want out of the house as quickly as possible. Instead, he is here, bringing me joy and laughter and warming my heart everyday - not just Thursdays.